How to update universal media server update
How to update universal media server update

Addresses an issue in ComboBox drop down item bounding rectangle as exposed to the accessibility tools, where we did not take into account that some items might be scrolled out of view, we had always started counting items from the first visible one, and thus item rectangle location was incorrect. Addresses a crash when docking a window within Visual Studio, or, more generally, disposing an HwndSource whose RootVisual is null. The leak only occurs when a touch device is active, and only for windows whose HwndSource is created directly by the app.

how to update universal media server update

Addresses an issue with a leak of touch-related resources, including OS handles, when closing a window. Addresses an issue with lag responding to typing in TextBox, when spell-checking is enabled that was introduced in an update earlier this year. Addresses an issue with slowdowns that could occur when making large numbers of devirtualized calls into MarshalByRefObject-derived code. Addresses an issue where the entire process would be torn down when a NullReferenceException propagated out of an exception filter. Before you install this update, see the Prerequsites and Restart requirement sections.

how to update universal media server update

We recommend that you apply this update as part of your regular maintenance routines. The update for Windows 10, version 1909, and Windows Server, version 1909 includes cumulative reliability improvements in. NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10, version 1909, and Windows Server, version 1909

How to update universal media server update