Warhammer dawn of war chaos quotes
Warhammer dawn of war chaos quotes

warhammer dawn of war chaos quotes

For reasons unknown, the Imperial Inquisitor Holt has ordered the Imperial Navy to blockade the planet and denies the ruling Lady Solaria's Imperial Knight House Varlock any reinforcements planetside.

warhammer dawn of war chaos quotes

The single-player campaign begins on the Imperial Knight World of Cyprus Ultima, which is under siege from a massive Ork horde led by Warboss Gitstompa. The Spear of Khaine shall call the wayfarers,Ī "catastrophic weapon," known only as the Spear of Khaine, has been discovered on the planet Acheron, long lost in the Warp, and three forces eventually converge on the world to recover it - the Blood Ravens Space Marines under their legendary Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos, the Eldar led by Farseer Macha (with both heroes returning from the first game), and an Ork WAAAGH! led by Warboss Gorgutz (his fourth appearance, after Dawn of War - Winter Assault, Dawn of War - Dark Crusade, and Dawn of War - Soulstorm).

warhammer dawn of war chaos quotes

And blood shall spill over the wandering world.

Warhammer dawn of war chaos quotes